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How to Follow the Fourth Session of the Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Fourth Session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development will take place using a hybrid format (in-person and virtual) on June 28-30, 2022 at the central headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile. The aim of this gathering is to analyze the sociodemographic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region and the challenges posed by the health and social crisis for implementing the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development.
The opening session will take place at 2:30 p.m. local time in Chile (GMT -4) on Tuesday, June 28. It will feature the presence of Diana Miloslavich, Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru, in her capacity as Chair of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development; Harold Robinson, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); and Raúl García-Buchaca, ECLAC’s Deputy Executive Secretary for Management and Programme Analysis.
During the event, ECLAC will present a document that analyzes the pandemic’s sociodemographic impacts in the region and includes policy recommendations for a transformative recovery with equality. It will also unveil the virtual platform for regional follow-up of implementation of the Montevideo Consensus.
On the meeting’s website,, general information can be found along with the programme, reference documents, and press releases and news, as well as links to ECLAC’s social media. Details on the diverse participants are also provided, along with other informational resources.
Live transmission
The meeting’s official activities will be transmitted live via the platform Any media outlet or organization is free to replicate this transmission on their own Internet portals.
The main sessions will also be retransmitted live on ECLAC’s website ( and the meeting’s website (
We will be tweeting in English and Spanish from the institutional accounts @cepal_onu and @eclac_un, using the hashtags #poblaciónALC and #populationLAC. We will also use #CEPAL and #ECLAC, and #desarrollo and #development.
On our Facebook pages ( and, we will share content from the meeting.
We will upload videos related to the meeting to our YouTube channels, updating them as it goes along. Subscribe to our channels: and
High-resolution photographs of the event will be published on our institution’s Flickr accounts: and The corresponding credits will be published on each image, and media outlets will be able to use them freely, citing the photo credit.