Over the last biennium the activities and priorities of CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC have been guided by the various resolutions adopted by the Commission, and by the strategic objectives that underpin the founding mandate of CELADE: to expand and strengthen the technical capacity of the countries in the region to enable them to describe, analyse, comprehend and forecast population dynamics and their links with economic and social development with a view to incorporating demographic factors into public policies and programmes, especially those aimed at reducing poverty and inequality.
I will now give a brief presentation on the activities carried out by CELADE in the period 2013-2015.
A more comprehensive report is available in the reference document on CELADE activities in the biennium (DDR/1), which includes a list of all the Division’s publications over the period; these are also available on our website. I will mention another four documents during my presentation, which give detailed reports on specific topics whose follow-up falls within the mandate of the Division.
Topics covered in the report: